Figma UI/UX Design for Absolute Beginners: Design a Fintech Dashboard

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File Name: Figma UI/UX Design for Absolute Beginners: Design a Fintech Dashboard
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting
File Size : 421 MB
Publisher: skillshare
Updated and Published: June 22, 2024
Product Details

Would you like to learn how to build User Interfaces for your software, apps, and websites with Figma?  Creating intuitive and user-friendly digital products is essential in today’s digital age. A software or application’s success relies heavily on its User Interface (UI) and the simplicity of its user journey (UX).   Before diving straight into coding, it’s important to engage a design a detailed layout for each page. This allows you to see how the final product will look before you build it, enabling you to brainstorm improvements before touching a line of code.   In this class, I’ll show you how to use Figma to design beautiful User Interfaces for your software, apps, and websites for an enhanced user experience.   By the end of this class, you will have designed a dashboard UI for a fictional finance company, and you’ll have the skills to build your own User Interfaces with Figma going forward.

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