Photoshop Workflows – Movie Poster

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File Name: Photoshop Workflows – Movie Poster
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting
File Size : 229 MB
Publisher: skillshare
Updated and Published: July 03, 2024
Product Details

In this course we will design a movie poster for a fictional dark fantasy movie.  I will be guiding you through every step of the process, giving you a comprehensive understanding of Adobe Photoshop’s incredible tools and features. This course is perfect for you if you are new to Photoshop or if you are self-taught and aiming to get more confident and effective using it.  Learn to use Photoshop’s latest features together with the fundamental building blocks like Layers, Masking, Smart Objects, Adjustments, Filters and so much more.  I’m Martin Perhiniak (Graphic Designer and Adobe Certified Instructor) and in this course I am sharing one of my Photoshop workflows and some of my best practices I developed over 20 years working as a creative professional for clients like BBC, Mattel, IKEA, Google, Pixar, Adobe.  I am not just teaching Photoshop; I am empowering you to express yourself, tell your story, and create designs that resonate with your unique style. This is your chance to create work that is truly personal and worthy of your professional creative portfolio. You can follow along the video lessons and replicate my design, or you can use my workflow and techniques I show you and create something completely different and unique.

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DOWNLOAD LINK: Photoshop Workflows – Movie Poster

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